Monday, 18 April 2016

Conference 2016: Blog Competition - sponsored by IPEVO

IPEVO have kindly sponsored The London RE Hub Conference and provided us with a selection of prizes for a post-conference blog competition.

Quite simply, the London RE Hub team will choose the best write-ups of the Conference to be awarded prizes. They can be summaries of your learning, an overview of the day, an account of a particular session, your lasting thoughts, "Where next?" or anything else you want to write about! 

The teams decision is final. The deadline is Monday 16th May. Please email any entries to - please provide a link to your own blog or all relevent text / images to be uploaded to: - you can always let us know if you have a prize preference too (but we can't guarantee it).

Prizes to be won:
  • 3 x Wireless Whiteboard System - Turn your existing whiteboard/projection screen/most any flat surface into an interactive whiteboard <see here>
  • 2 x Ziggi HD Document Cameras - <see here>
  • 1 x VZ-1 HD Document Camera - <see here>
  • 1 x USB SuperCharger - <see here>

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

NEW Camden and Islington NATRE Group

One of the aims of The London RE Hub was to better connect RE teachers and any organisations or individuals who wanted to support them. We've been asked to share this exciting new opportunity for teachers in Camden and Islington. 

The Jewish Museum London is hoping to help set up a new NATRE group for the boroughs of Camden and Islington. The NATRE group will be for Primary and Secondary teachers and hosted by the Jewish Museum. The group will be run by the teachers and the Jewish Museum will be available to provide administrative help with running the group. 

Lisa Shames, one of the Learning Officers at the museum, is helping to set up the group. She is hoping to start the NATRE group so that RE teachers in the boroughs can share ideas through best
practice and have a support group in which to discuss ideas, activities, and plans. At the moment we are trying to gauge interest in the group and are asking anyone who would like to be involved or who would like to help run the group to please contact Lisa by 30th April 2016. Please see the flyer below for contact details and additional information.

Contact Lisa on to find out more 

We are happy to publish guest blogs which promote better RE as long as they are not for profit. The LREH team's editorial decision is final.